Real-time SOAP message monitor

Software tool that makes developers better, faster and more productive.

ASMX & WCF support

ASMX & WCF web service real-time monitoring...

Simple & Easy to setup

Set it up in minutes...

Various datastore support

Supports most used data storage types like Oracle, MSSQL..

Performance meter

Measure web service execution time and detect bottlenecks in your system.

What is it?

Software component that enables developers to monitor soap messages of their web service based projects in real-time.


SoapMonitor is .NET component that captures all SOAP messages on .NET web service. It works in the background and stores captured SOAP messages in the data store. It contains web interface so you can easily view and filter all captured SOAP messages.

SoapMonitor can also measure web service execution time allowing you to monitor resource related problems and even detect bottlenecks in your system.


Who is it for?

SoapMonitor is userfull to anyone who needs to monitor SOAP message traffic but do to its roles in the development process it is mainly used by:


Architect has the big-picture overview over the system so he can easily detect if the web service calls don't follow documentation.


Software developer has real-time view od the SOAP messages that are exchanged between consumer app and the web serivce enabling him to easily detect incorrect web service calls, wrong input/output parameters/values or any other incositencys that could cause system to behave unexpectedly.

Software tester

Tester will easily locate bugs and problems in the system simply by observing the soap message flow. It will also give him ability to better understand how system works.

When to use it?

SoapMonitor is usefull for whole life-cycle of your product.

Observe existing system

Want to know how existing web service based system operates? Set up SoapMonitor in minutes and just observe how messages are exchanged in real-time. SoapMonitor gives you eyes to your system.

Development time

Developer monitors SOAP messages as they are being exchanged enabling him to quickly locate the problem. It could be incorrect input paremeter or value, unexpected web service response, incorrect web service call order...

Production time

SoapMonitor stores soap messages in the data store making it possible to analyse system behaviour in case of incidents and bugs reported while your system is in the production.

Now you can see web service response at any point in time. That can save a lot of time when searching for source of the problem in the production system.


How to set it up?

Easy. Just copy-paste and configure..

  1. Add SoapMonitor.dll file to the bin folder where your web service binaries are.
  2. Configure web.config file for your web service to include SoapMonitor extension in the ASP.NET pipeline.
  3. Optionaly it is possible to configure SoapMonitor to store SOAP messages in the permanent data store. In that case it is required to configure connection to your database and run a sql script that will create required database (MSSQL, ORACLE) objects.

To sum it up

SoapMonitor is a monitoring tool that enables you to monitor SOAP message traffic of any .NET web service in real time or filter out messages that happened at any point in time.


Using SoapMonitor you are able to quicly filter stored SOAP messages and find source of the issue that you're investigating making it a huge time-saver when you need it most.


Choose the best edition for you below. Also available As A Service...

  • Developer

  • For developers who need real-time monitoring for faster developement of their web service based systems
  • $ 99 one time

  • 1 year free updates
  • ASMX & WCF support
  • Real-time monitoring
  • 1 concurrent monitoring connection
  • Soap message permanent store
  • Web service execution time measurement
Purchase Now
  • PRO Developer

  • For pro developers who also want to store their soap mesages to prefered data store and have execution time analytics
  • $ 249 one time

  • 1 year free updates
  • ASMX & WCF support
  • Real-time monitoring
  • 1 concurrent monitoring connection
  • Soap message permanent store
  • Web service execution time measurement
Purchase Now
  • Production system

  • Optimised for systems in production environment with unlimited concurrent monitoring connections
  • $ 499 one time per server

  • 1 year free updates
  • ASMX & WCF support
  • Real-time monitoring
  • unlimited concurrent monitoring connections
  • Soap message permanent store
  • Web service execution time measurement
Purchase Now

Running a publicly available web service? Interested in SoapMonitor SAAS (Software as a service)? Let us take care of your SOAP message data storage..

  • SoapMonitor as cloud service

  • Ideal for publicly available web services, all features included, we take care of the data store performance and availability
  • $ 10 mo - stores last 10.000 soap messages

  • $ 20 mo - stores last 30.000 soap messages

  • $ 30 mo - stores last 100.000 soap messages

  • $ 50 mo - stores last 300.000 soap messages

  • $ 100 mo - stores last 1.000.000 soap messages

  • No setup costs, only fixed monthly fee for the selected package
  • Free upgrades for duration of active subscription
  • ASMX & WCF support
  • Real-time monitoring
  • unlimited concurrent monitoring connections
  • Secure soap message cloud storage included
  • Web service execution time measurement and full web service execution analytics
Purchase Subscription Now